Tuesday, November 30, 2010

World AIDS Day is December 1st

Peter Rothberg at The Nation points out the HIV/AIDS epidemic is far from over.  World AIDS Day is December 1st.   In the US there are over 1 million people living with HIV and 1 in every 5 people living with HIV doesn't even know they have it yet.

You can act in your community to make a difference and raise awareness.

Get tested free in Albuquerque.  No names, no blood, no cost!

Hear real peoples' stories of living with HIV and living well.

Talk about HIV, AIDS and STIs.  Talk about safer sex, homelessness, ignorance and shame. 

Get support locally.

Donate to make a difference around the world.

You can always get resources and support at Self Serve.  If you want more info about testing throughout the year or who to talk to, just ask us!

1 comment:

Molly said...

More ideas from our friend at NMAS:

1. Donate $ if you can. AIDS organizations are really hurting.

2. Get tested, and/or get a friend to get tested. Support your friend and get tested with them! NMAS is testing from 12-5pm today.

3. Talk to your friends and family about HIV/AIDS to fight stigma.

4. Events around New Mexico:


Free, anonymous, oral swab HIV testing 12-5pm and come see a local piece of the AIDS Quilt at NMAS today, Call 938-7100 for more info.

Information, education, awareness, and a candle light remembrance at First Nations Community Healthsource, For more info call Mattee Jim, 505.262.6554

Las Cruces:
World AIDS Day will be observed in Las Cruces on December 1, 2010 at First Christian Church - DOC, 1809 El Paseo Road beginning at 7:00 pm and everyone is welcome to attend.

Donations of canned food will be gladly accepted for the food pantry for clients, For more info Janet Lindsey, FYI


Santa Fe:

FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SANTA FE (208 Grant Avenue, Santa Fe). This ecumenical World AIDS Worship Service is a unique opportunity for faith and community leaders to gather together and experience the transforming power of story as told by those infected and affected by HIV/AIDS.

Rev. Andrew Black, AIDS advocate and Sen. Bingaman’s Health Care Field Representative, will deliver the sermon entitled “Seeing the Face of God in those with HIV/AIDS.” All our welcome.

Gallup: Navajo AIDS Network-Gallup, NM office is offering FREE HIV Testing. For more info call 505 863 9929.