Sunday, January 16, 2011

abqCUFFS goes to City Council Meeting Wed. Jan 19th

Citizens United for Free Speech (Albuquerque CUFFS, a local activist group that formed after the Pornotopia Censored show was censored) will continue their campaign to amend the zoning laws in Albuquerque. They go to each City Council meeting and speak during the public comment portion of the meeting. Every person who signs up at the beginning of the meeting has 2 minutes to talk directly to the City Council.

If you want to join the movement, email abqCUFFS(a) [replace (a) with @]
or "like" the CUFFS facebook page

The next meeting is Wednesday, January 19th, 5 pm. Meet at the the Vincent E. Griego Council Chambers, basement level of Albuquerque/Bernalillo County Government Center, One Civic Plaza.Leaving, click for disclaimer

The following video discusses the issue between the ambiguous "obscenity" vs. Free Speech debate around the John Stagliano Trial. (video by

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